Robin Doan Wikipedia, Age, Case
Robin Doan Wikipedia, Age, Case – Robin Daon has awakened to her mother’s screams and gunshots as she lay in the bed inside the family Texas panhandle farmhouse. A few moments later she had so a bright flash. A man fired an AK 47 at her bed but it was the bullet missed her. “I pretended I was dead the whole time, ” she had told a dispatcher during a frantic 911 call slept.

Man Pleads guilty killing 3 at Texas Farmhouse
Robin is awakened by her mother’s screams and gunshots as she lives in bed inside her family’s Texas Panhandle farmhouse. Later she had so a bright flash. A man with having AK 47 had fired at her bed but some of the bullets missed her.
“I pretended I was dead the whole time”, she told a dispatcher during a frantic 911 call on 30 Sept 2005. I am 10 years old and I don’t know what to do I am scared. A type of the call was played publicly for the first time Thursday as a jury considered whether Levi King who was 26, the face the death penalty or life in prison without payroll for killing the pregnant mother of Daon, father, and 14-year-old brother.
King pleaded guilty earlier in the day to Capital murder in the death of Michell Conrad who is 35 years old and her husband Brian Conrad who is 31 and her 14-year-old son name Zach Doan. Michelle Conrad was 6 months pregnant.

The family members in the gallery sniffled and wiped away tears as they listened to their young relatives frightened voices on the tape. “I do hope my mom is not dead,” Robin told the dispatcher between sobs. I want my mummy I want my mum.
It was not clear whether the girl had been a teenager now would testify. When she believed the intruder had left a few hours later Robin grabbed the family’s cordless phone and have been Ran outside to her stepfather’s pick-up. It was a cold fall morning and Robin feared the worst.
The 911 tape has provided the first real glimpse of the case Texas investigators have built against King since a two-day killing spree in September 2005 that 2 game from Missouri to Texas. Last year the king was played as guilty of the shooting death of Orlie McCool, 70, and his 47-year-old daughter-in-law Dawn McCool in rural Pineville, Mo. Authorities said King drove Orlie McCool’s pickup truck from Missouri to Conrad’s home in Texas.
King was caught the same night trying Puri enter the United States at the Mexican border in EI Paso, Texas. On Thursday one of kings 2 called appointed attorneys, Maxwell Peck III, told the jurors his opening statement that King had grown up in poverty and was emotionally neglected by both parents who used drugs regularly. Dad even introduced them to the king and his siblings said Peck.
King had told the judge earlier that he had been diagnosed with bipolar disorder and paranoid schizophrenia he has also been told he was psychotic. Peck told King has been suicidal. King’s long-simmering anger went out of control when he killed Conrads as well as her son, Peck said.
“Levi King is a stranger who had entered Conrad’s home and has murdered this family. Peck said. He was just 23 he was on the run he was full of rage and the range was out of control.” Prosecutor Lynn Switzer focused her opening statement on the family by telling the jurors their home was a peaceful place they had no reason for believing was anything but safe and secure.

She had described how King dressed in black and holding the AK47 ko broke into the back door and immediately moved to the master bedroom. He shot Brian Conrad three times and killed Molly, the family dog, before turning to Michell Conrad who started screaming.
“Her screams were cut short because the defendant foot 5 around into her body, ” Switzer said. “Can you imagine what it would be like to awake and like that”. King then went to Robin’s room and fired before walking to Zach Doan’s room and shooting for the three times. King has been sentenced to two consecutive lifetimes without parole for the McCool killings, but the Texas punishment will take precedence under an agreement with Missouri.
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